Sunday, October 30, 2011

Session 32

Khinasi lands, 615 MR

Michael, Khalila, and their gang enlist as caravan guards to follow the Rose of Jumlat. During the trip from Jumlat to the city of Gana, they discover that the daughter of the rich merchant Kamal, Samia, is travelling in disguise with the caravan, for unknown reasons. The beautiful young woman is known by many also as "the Rose of Jumlat". Her brother, Omar, keeps close watch over her.

Essefeh, a merchant attached to the caravan, tries to convince Khalila to help him steal the Rose. He tells her that his master, Emambo, is prisoner inside the gem, and that, once they free him, they'll be rewarded greatly. Khalila ignores his advances, and the party proceeds to Gana.

One the night of the thrid day of travel, a group of fear-inducing hyena-like creatures attacks the caravan, and during the confusion Essefeh disappears with the gem. The party tracks him down and finds his corpse, and a few moments later are attacked by a band of corsairs. They defeat them, thanks to to help of a weird "sand spirit", and recover the Rose of Jumlat. The sand spirit tries to communicate with them, and joins them in their trip back to the caravan.

But the caravan has already departed and when the party reaches it again, all they find is corpses, and an almost dead Omar. With his last breath, he reveals that Achbar, and ancient enenmy of his family, and a famous pirate, has taken Samia. Michael swears to bring her to safety, and Omar dies.

The party, partially guided by the sand spirit, reaches a temple in the desert where they have a chance to rest.

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