Sunday, October 23, 2011

Session 31

Winter 614 MR

Sigurd, using powerful Realm Magic, stops the plague from reaching Vjelthelma, but the province is invaded by several Ogres troops, led by the Knight of Ice and his priestesses of Kriesha. Ghuralli's other provinces are shielded by a magical mist that keeps any invading troops at bay.

The Brotherhood and the Watch try to stop the Knight's advance, but they're forced to retreat to Boganhaar. During the battle, Gunnar is slain in single combat by the Knight of Ice, but he manages to remove the helm of the icy warrior, revealing that the Knight is the daughter of the White Witch. Hrothwulf seems to be awestruck by her beauty.

The Knight advances in Boganhaar, and thanks to her priestesses, obtains another victory. The Heroes retreat to lick their wounds, and the enemy does not push further.

In the meanwhile, in the Khinasi lands...

Michael arrives in the kingdom of Aryia, and meets the Master of the Black Lotus. He will spend the next year together with Khalila and her crew to learn the fine art of assassination, and to train in many shady skills. While in Aryia, Lord Thalion, in disguise, contacts him, and reveals to him that he needs to kill a man named Achbar, and that only by following the Rose of Jumlat he will be able to fullfill his task. Khalila's crew knows that the Rose of Jumlat is a priceless jewel belonging to a merchant in the city of Jumlat, and they decide to travel there.
Luck is on their side, as it seems that a caravan is about to depart, to transport the Rose out of town.

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