Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Giantdowns

PC Regents: Ogrun Strongbeard (OS), Nathanael Alamie (NA), Lena Krovolka (LK), Huralla (Hu).

NPC Regents: Hrothwulf Sashason (HS).

Lieutenants: Edric, fighter (HS); Ulfgard, trader (OS); Thorgan, acolyte (OS); Pyotr, fighter (LK); Erika, acolyte (Hu).

The Giantdowns are the wild center of Rjurik lands, where a handful of farmers, herdsmen, nomads, and other rugged individualists who shun the rulership of jarls and kings scratch out a precarious living.

These Rjurik must be brave and independent indeed for many hazards plague the Giantdowns. Many of the Downs themselves are honeycombed with orog and goblin tunnels; the surface is home to gnoll tribes, fhoimorien bandits, bandit gangs, giants and other intelligent creatures.

The Giantdowns are named, of course, for the many giants that dwell there. Most are reclusive, but some fhoimorien clans are known to pray on Human settlements. The Watch, is a Rjurik organization that helps defend these isolated steads. They also directly challenge Ghuralli, a minor awnshegh who claims the Giantdowns for his own.

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