Sunday, May 29, 2011

Session 9

Spring 611 MR

Lord Tahlion pays a visit to the heroes. Apparently he survived the encounter with the Knight of Black Wings, and has been trying to find out who he really is in the last few months, without success.

He also brings dire news: the truce with Ghoere is in danger, and he needs Regall and Nathanael to go back to Tieghan and Alamie to take care of the realms while he counsels the Emperor in the capital.

The two knights bid the rest of the heroes goodbye, and leave together with Lord Thalion.

In Midjarna, the heroes are made aware of several problems with wild creatures at the border with Skansoeren. Many farmsteads are suffering losses to their herds, and the heroes decide to travel the route to some of the main homesteads to solve the matter.

On their way, they find shelter in the Vale of Weeping Widows, where they discover a lair of leucrottas, responsible for many of the troubles of the shepherds. The heroes slay the nasty creatures, and discover a valuable treasure in their lair.

They continue their journey, and reach the Render's homestead. It seems Ulf Renders is having trouble with bloodbirds, blood-sucking flying creatures. They spend the night at the farmstead, and are confronted with a flock of bloodbirds. They manage to slay all the critters, and notice the few surviving monsters flee to the southwest.

The day after, they travel to the southwest, and, after encountering a few nature's spirits, they are ambushed by a small band of hobgoblin, who apparently use the bloodbirds as pets. Eventually, the heroes reach the entrance of the hobgoblin's lair.

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