Sunday, May 8, 2011

Session 6

Winter 610 MR, early 611 MR

The heroes continue their exploration of the catacombs, and destroy the last undead roaming the place. They also find the burial chamber of an ancient bandit-lord, Thorvak the Reaver, and desecrate his tomb.

They retrieve the lost chalice, and seal the passage once again. Lady Andrella compliments them, and organize a small feast. During the feast, she delivers five chests full of Rjurik gold to the heroes, as was ordered to her by the Emperor. The gold will get the heroes started in the Giantdowns.

The day after, they depart, and eventually reach Hrothwulf's house in the Giantdowns, situated in a remote area at the feet of mighty mountains. There they find Hrothwulf mourning the death of his aunt Rowena.

The same night, a knight wearing the unholy symbol of the Black Wings makes his appearance, apparently to "collect a debt" from Lord Thalion. The price to pay seems to be Lord Thalion's life. The heroes defend Lord Thalion as best as they can, but when hordes of undead start surrounding the house, they all try to escape.

Lord Thalion is engulfed by dark magic (apparently the dark knight is a priest), and Arben stays behind to help him out. Unfortunately, he's no match for the dark priest, who kills him on the spot.

As the heroes run at full gallop, the fate of Lord Thalion remains uncertain.

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