Sunday, May 1, 2011

Session 5

Winter 610 MR

The heroes proceed to Sonelind in Dhoesone, where lord Thalion expects to acquire the last provisions before departing for the Giantdowns.

Once there, the heroes find the town in disarray, due to the attacks of packs of giant rats, stirred from their undergrounds home by something sinister.

Investigating the matter, they discover hidden catacombs infested by ravenous undead under the mortuary of the local abbey. Apparently, the undead where freed from their entombment by the theft of a holy chalice in the mortuary, which kept them at bay.

The heroes enter the catacombs, and find brother Selmo, the priest responsible for the removal of the chalice, in hiding. He had read of the catacombs during some research, and hoped to find treasures to contribute to the well-being of the abbey. He didn't expect to unleash cannibal undead!

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