Sunday, December 18, 2011

Session 39

Spring 616 MR

After celebrating Ogrun's marriage with Norla, the heroes mourn their losses, while more plots are being hatched in Anuire.

Nathanael has put an end to the war in the south, by killing the king of Ghoere. Lord Thalion sends him and his entourage, including the crafty Samiah, to the Giantdowns to remind to Hrothwulf that he still owes allegiance to the empire. On his way north, he must also travel to Mhoried, to accompany Lady Elsbet Cadwgan to the Giantdowns. She's to be offered in marriage to Hrothwulf to seal his allegiance to the empire.

As Nathanael arrives in the Giantdowns, he discovers that his brother is dead, and that Hrothwulf has no intention to submit to the empire. The rjurik ranger is planning to recover the ancient spear Brichlur, which they gave up years ago to Gorgon's lackeys.

To find the spear, the heroes travel to the hideout of the dark dwarf Dunmudden, a long time servitor of the Gorgon.

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