Sunday, November 13, 2011

Session 34

Early 616 MR

Michael meets with the Patriarch, but the cleric does not believe his story, and sends him away. On his way out, he's stopped by Lord Adame Nichalier, right-hand of the Patriarch, and brother of the Empress. Lord Adame offers to help, and promises to perform an Exorcism on Michael during the next Eve of the Dead. Michael returns to the Giantdowns.

During the previous year, the Brotherhood has strengthened their hold on the land, while tragedy befalls Midjarna. Anneke, having lost her firstborn and the will to rule, names Sigurd as her heir. Not too long after, the Warlock razes Midjarna to the ground. Anneke's heart cannot bear the loss, and she dies.

Jasmine decides to follow Prince Voron to his realm, and leaves the Brotherhood. An envoy from Tuarhievel joins Hrothwulf's entourage, hopefully to seal an alliance between the Rjurik and the Elves of the southern kingdom.

Ogrun is summoned by King Emerus Rocksplitter. It seems a dwarven prospecting party has found trace of Shadow Elves (drow) in the deepest tunnels, and the King's daughter, Norla, is decided to mount an expedition against this evil. The Brotherhood, having sealed a convenient deal with the King, accompanies Norla into the depths.

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