Sunday, November 6, 2011


Lesser God
Angel of Darkness, Fallen Prince, Lord of Lies.
AL: Neutral Evil
WAL: Any Evil
AoC: Corruption
Sym: Black Feathered Wings
Azariel was once a Solar bound to Anduiras, but he fell from grace out of envy for Haelyn's ascension to godhood. He acquired godly powers thanks to the joined efforts of Belinik and Kriesha, who empowered him to earn an ally against the other Powers.
Azariel is still a young god, and likes to travel Cerilia in the guise of a foreign prince with the powers of a 18th-level Necromancer, to tempt mortals to forsake their vows and fall from grace. When enraged, he assumes the form of the Angel of Darkness, with all the powers of an evil Solar.
Priests of Azariel hide among other priesthoods, often pretending to be priests of Healyn. They seek to corrupt the naive and pure, and turn them to the worship of their dark god.
Requirements: AB Wis 9, Int 9, Cha 12; AL any evil; WP any; AR any; Major SP All, Charm, Combat, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning; Minor SP Healing, Divination, Thought; PW 1) darkness 1/day; 5) fly* 1/day ; 9) cause serious wounds 1/day; TU command.
*illusory black wings sprout from the priest's back while this spell is active.

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