Sunday, October 16, 2011

Session 30

Winter 614 MR

Michael leaves with Khalila for the Khinasi lands. The remaining Heroes depart to meet Ghuralli. Together with the Awnshegh, they find troops of the White Witch, led by the Knight of Ice. An unsettling, shadowy presence surround the meeting place. Ghuralli reveals that he does not wish to fight against the Brotherhood, but he will have no mercy for the Watch. All he wants is for the Heroes to not intervene in the upcoming conflict. He also advises them that a plague will soon spread in Vjethelma and Boghanaar.

The Heroes do not seal any deal, and immediately inform Anneke and the Watch about Ghuralli's plans. They offer their help to the Watch, if Anneke will agree to become a vassal of Hrothwulf. Since she has no chance to oppose Ghuralli without the Heroes' magical powers, she accepts. The Heroes begin to plan the defenses of the land, while from Rhuiddhar, a dark plague starts to spread to the south.

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