Sunday, September 11, 2011

Session 26

Early 614 MR till Spring

Together with their dwarven allies, the Heroes achieve a great victory against Ghuralli's armies. Ogrun is invested as regent of Silverheart, and swears fealthy to Hrothwulf.

Jasmine travels to Alamie, and hears important news: the Patriarch of the Imperial Temple of Haelyn has declared a Holy War against Ghoere and all the followers of Cuiraecen that refuse to submit to the authority of the Empire of Anuire and the Imperial Temple.

Ghuralli moves his hordes into the Barrow Woods, and rumors start to spread that the Awnshegh is strengthening his holdings to better face the rising threat of the Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Raenwe points his gaze to Skansoeren as next target for the Brotherhood's expansion. The Heroes make contact with Ulzor Sned, a goblin trader and leader of the goblinoid tribes living in Skansoeren. Ulzor seems willing to ally himself with the Heroes, but has a few requests: he wants to be allowed to start a Guild, and he wants the Heroes to retrieve a magical ring that was taken away from him by a treacherous dwarf. Ulzor believes this dwarf to be an ally of Ghuralli, and, in exchanges of the stolen ring, he offers the Brotherhood a map leading to the resting place of the ancient Giant-King, legendary sovereign of the Giantdowns in ages past.

The Heroes accept, and start to plan their mission.

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