Sunday, September 4, 2011

Session 25

Winter 613 MR

While exploring the crystal towers, the Heroes memories of the last 24 hours are wiped away by weird crystal monsters, and they find themselves in dire straits. They don't really remember how they got into the crystal towers, but they do remember they were looking for the dwarf Durin Hammershield. They decide to rest, and then continue the exploration.

During the night, Shannotsuul, Master of the Towers, shows himself in Astral Form, and proposes to the Heroes to exchange Durin for another "brain". He means to study (and maybe feed on) the brains of Ogrun or Raenwe. The Heroes decline, and trace the Mind Flayer lord into his inner sanctum, where Durin is also kept; after a difficult battle, they kill Shannotsuul, but by doing so they trigger the distruction of the towers.

They escape the collapsing buildings in the nick of time, and Raenwe recovers a glowing gem from the ruins of the towers. While studying the weird artefact, the gem embeds itself into Raenwe's forehead, unlocking his psychic potential.

The Heroes make their escape through the beholder's tunnels, managing to avoid him in the process. They reach the halls of the Dwarven King, and deliver to him a much proven Durin. It seems that, before they found him, the Mind Flayer lord has done something to the dwarf's brain, but the extent of it is still to be proven. King Emerus Rocksplitter thanks the Heroes for their deeds, and once again renews their friendship by offering his military aid in the battles ahead.

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