Sunday, August 14, 2011

Session 22

Winter 613 MR

Not wanting to attract the unwanted attention of the Gorgon, the Heroes decide to avoid a confrontation, and give up the magical spear. The Gorgon's forces leave with their prize. Ashamed by this act, Orden decides to abandon the Brotherhood of the Wolf.

On the way back home, Hrothwulf and Jasmine experience the same dream:

"Michael is sailing in a boat with an angelic creature, that they recognize as Ashan. Ashan is bringing Michael to his final reward in Healyn's Realm, but the door is barred for him. A dark, corrupted dark angel raises from the seas, declaring to be Azariel, true heir of Anduiras.

He reveals to Michael that his father, Thalion, has a debt to pay, his immortal soul. According to Azariel, Thalion has tricked Michael into danger and death, so that his son would pay the debt in his place. The dark angel offers a choice to Michael, to go back in the world of the living, and make sure lord Thalion pays his debt. He has 5 years to succeed (the time it takes Michael to age one year, due to his Long Life blood ability). If he fails, his soul will be doomed to eternal shadow.

Reluctantly, but decided to find out the truth about his father, Michael accepts."

Hrothwulf is troubled by this dream and recounts it to Sigurd. Back in Lemnjohen, the people rejoice for the return of the Heroes, and the destruction of the Kjarhoelle. Hrothwulf becomes the ruler of Trondelaag, and Ogrun Strongbeard, a valorous dwarf from the Silverhead clans, arrives to join the Brotherhood of the Wolf, and lend his services into ruling the mountain region.

A few day after, a goblin messenger arrives at Old Fort: he brings a summon from the Knight of Black Wings. Hrothwulf and Sigurd realize that the dream was not just an illusion, and bring with them Michael's corpse.

The Heroes travel until they reach a desecrated barrow, guarded by a goblin tribe. In the barrow, the Knight of Black wings awaits them. He tells them to place Michael on the altar in front of him and, with the dark blessing of Azariel, he performs a ritual that brings Michael back to life. Not wiling to linger further, the Heroes return to their homes.

Michael spends the next few months in the company of Khalila, who is not only teaching him the Khinasi language, but also more deadlier skills.

Sigurd performs a grand ritual to bless the Giantdowns, and crops raise stronger and faster. As he completes the ritual, Huralla makes her appearance, inviting him to join her and her wolf-pack into the wilds. Sigurd accepts, and spends many nights in the company of Huralla.

As Michael awakes from one of his many nightmares, Ashan bids him farewell. He feels a taint in Michael, and can no longer protect him.

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