Sunday, July 17, 2011

Session 18

End of 612 MR

Unsettling news reach the Heroes, when they are informed that an army of bandits and goblins have come down from the North into Bjorlaghen, to pillage the land, and then move on to Lemnjohen, as a revenge to our Heroes' latest exploits.

The army seems too vast for the single troop of the Brotherhood of the Wolf to face, but help comes in the form of a riddle. In Midjarna, an omen from Erik sends the Heroes on the tracks of Leander, an Arch-druid that entered a magical sleep more than 500 years before.

The Heroes discover Leander's resting place, and after facing several dangerous trials, they awaken the Hierophant from his long sleep. Thanks to his druidic powers, his many animal and fey allies, and the ability of his staff to summon an army of Treants once every generation, the Heroes are able to repel the invasion, and send the few surviving bandits to lick their wounds for a few months.

With the presence of the Watch gone from Bjorlaghen, Hrothwulf is invested as ruler of the region.

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