Saturday, April 2, 2011

Michael Alamie (Dead)

Male Anuirean Thief/Mage, scion (born 592 MR)

Your father is one of the most trusted advisors of the Emperor, and you've spent most of your time at the Imperial court.

Death (613 MR): Stabbed by the poisonous sting of a wyvern, while chasing Magnus, chieftain of the Kjarhoelle bandit tribe. Raised from the dead by the Knight of Black Wings, dark priest of Azariel.

Death (616 MR): While exploring the underground site of Khazefryn, he found a flawless diamond, on which a magical rune was inscribed. Unfortunately it was a symbol of death.

1 comment:

  1. Please send this letter to my brother should I not survive the tasks brought before me in these dangerous lands.


    When you receive this message, I will have passed on into another realm for quite some time already.
    Things in the Giantdowns must have gone bad for me as this is my last will and a message for you and father.

    After you have left for the Empire, we have had a ferocious winter. This unnatural winter lasted well into what should have been summer but snow is still falling. We are about to embark on a dangerous adventure and will attack an old dwarven fortress at dawn. Now it is not dwarves we fear, but the new inhabitants. We will be facing several Giants and might not make it all back alive..

    If I do not make it back, I want my comrades (if any make it that is) to burn my ashes and spread them over the downs. My ashes will roam this wild lands long after my spirit has left.
    The eartly belongings will not do me good and thus I leave it to those who are still there to distribute it in any way they see fit. All I ask them to deliver back to you and dad are my dice. They are by no means special but will give you something to remember me by.

    We will meet again in the afterlife, probably long before father joins us there.
    Send him my best wishes for the future and I hope he can stay clear of that dark knight.

    I wish you the best for the future and that you may meet a better fate than I did.

